My Tribe
Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks (PLN's) are online communities where you can collaborate with other people on a global level, discussing a large variety of topics. They range from hosting hangouts to professional development. Many groups have their own twitter hashtag that members use to share and chat. I have joined many forms of PLN's. These groups and communities are vital to rural teachers where they may be the only teacher of their subject for their grade level or even campus.
I am fortunate to be an ISTE and TCEA member, so I have an expansive amount of recourses and PLN's to choose from. I am currently in 5 official professional learning networks not including the myriad groups and blogs that I follow. These communities have been vital to me as I am in my first year as a Technology Integration Specialist. I use the groups to search for ideas to share with my teachers, advise on different apps and devices, webinars to watch, and people to connect with. I am mostly a sponge at this point, listening to podcasts, following twitter chats, reading blogs, and watching webinars on anything covering technology in education. I haven't contributed much yet since I'm still so new but I'm learning so much from all these wonderful people!
I share interesting reads and information with my teachers as I find resources they can use. I am not much of a writer, so I feel intimidated when I think of posting and blogging about what I've learned. I contribute by answering questions when I know the answer. I signed up for a book study (Learning First-Technology Second) that I look forward to participating in with my Edtech Coaches Network.
PLN's I belong to:
Edtech Coaches Network (ISTE) - The Edtech Coaches Network promotes the development and collaboration of educational technology coaches who support the professional growth of teachers as they use technology to enhance learning. http://connect.iste.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=3144c376-a435-4bad-9080-f25d9d8cb17f&_ga=2.9555701.1343778717.1518306476-1175370527.1517615425
Digital Citizenship Network (ISTE) - The Digital Citizenship Network supports educators in ensuring the appropriate, safe and responsible use of technology. The Digital Citizenship Network offers perspective and structure for learning with technology, providing examples of how educators can use technology appropriately and responsibly to help students become more creative, resourceful and interactive with peers around the world. http://connect.iste.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=dd15879f-d471-4a25-87eb-d8a56b45df3c&_ga=2.13773559.1343778717.1518306476-1175370527.1517615425
Technology Coordinators Network (ISTE) - The Technology Coordinators Network members include technology coordinators and directors at all levels, administrators, information technology specialists, technology coaches and mentors, and professional development and curriculum specialists who work to support and enhance student learning through the use of technology. Members are concerned with issues related to technology leadership to support and enhance a more effective teaching and learning environment in K–12 classrooms. Membership in the Technology Coordinators Network provides access to information, resources, and colleagues who deal with technology leadership at a variety of levels around the world. http://connect.iste.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=48091031-aa72-4623-a0d8-d33a12d6044a&_ga=2.48857830.1343778717.1518306476-1175370527.1517615425
Podcasts I listen to:
Google Teacher Tribe – Get the latest updates on G-Suite, tips and tricks you can use immediately in the classroom, and connect educators interested in using G-Suite in the classroom. http://googleteachertribe.com/
Kids Deserve It – Inspirational interviews of people putting students first in education. http://www.kidsdeserveit.com/
Blogs I follow:
Shake Up Learning – Kasey Bell http://shakeuplearning.com/
Ditch That Textbook – Matt Miller http://ditchthattextbook.com/
Teacher Tech – Alice Keeler http://www.alicekeeler.com/
Ctrl Alt Achieve – Eric Curts http://www.controlaltachieve.com/